Aligning the FAIR data principles and HL7 FHIR profiling

Tutorial for SWAT4HCLS 2024 conference in Leiden.

View the Project on GitHub IMISE/fhir4fair-swat4hcls2024

Practical Exercises

Basic options for adding metadata to research studies

Here are some hints how to add metadata as FHIR elements to your research study.

Starting from Scatch

For those who have not yet worked with FSH, there is a comprehensive example.

Starting from examples

If you do not want to start with an empty study, you can copy the JSON code from one of the following examples.

Reference Example L2H

As a reference example and to show the expressiveness of different Implmentation Guides, we developed serializations in different formats for an overarching clinical trial: LIVERT(W)OHEAL (L2H).

Normative references

FHIR conforming to R4

FHIR conforming to R4B

FHIR conforming to R5