Aligning the FAIR data principles and HL7 FHIR profiling

Tutorial for SWAT4HCLS 2024 conference in Leiden.

View the Project on GitHub IMISE/fhir4fair-swat4hcls2024

Schedule (in progress)

Session 1: 2024-02-26 09:00-10:30

Introduction to the tutorial and the work of the EFMI WG on FAIR data Celia 10’’
FAIRnessWithFHIR: Introduction to the FHIR4FAIR Implementation Guide Matthias 20’’
Introduction to the NFDI4Health Implementation Guide Sophie 15’’
Introduction to the MII Implementation Guide Alex 15’’
Tool demo: FHIR export for the FAIRDOM-SEEK RDM Xiaoming 20’’
Representing research studies and artifacts in FHIR (practical exercise) 10’’

Session 2: 2024-02-26 11:00-13:00

Representing research studies and artifacts in FHIR (practical exercise) 60’’
Discussion: What FHIR artifacts are needed for a FAIR representation of a medical research study to support data reuse? What could a guideline look like to best fulfill each FAIR data principle? (all) 50’
Sum-up and future collaboration Matthias 10’’